When Coaching Goes Wrong

#11: Ben Ryan, Fiji 7s Olympic Gold Medal Coach & Founder of Sleepandwater

Craig Wilson, The Contact Coach
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00:00 | 03:23

In this #RW3 show, Ben Ryan shares his wisdom on how he uses other sports and groups to unleash peak performance in Rugby. 

Ben was the longest-serving England 7s coach with 58 tournaments. In 2015, Ben became Head Coach of Fiji and soon became their most decorated coach of all time with back-to-back World Series titles and back-to-back Hong Kong 7s tournament wins. The best was yet to come, as Fiji famously won the 2016 Rio Olympic Gold. Since Rio, Ben is the Technical Director of Rugby X and is a consultant to elite sports teams around the world.

Sevens Heaven: The Beautiful Chaos of Fiji's Olympic Dream
